Dr. Kulkarni has held positions of vital importance in several institutions nationwide. He has trained under the father of Indian Urology, Dr. HS Bhat, at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh. He is also currently in charge of training junior urology trainees to perform several urological procedures and surgeries. Dr. Kulkarni specializes in performing several significant surgeries and complicated procedures such as pyeloplasty, VVF repair, ureteroreterostomy, bladder augmentation, URSL, PCNL, and others.
18 years
Posts Held in Past
- Surgical Oncology and Uro Oncology training, Shri Siddhivinayak Hospital, Miraj, Maharashtra (2003-2004)
- Essential Urology (pre-DNB) training, Amrita Institute, Kochi (2004-2005)
- DNB Resident, Department of Urology, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical
- Sciences, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh (2005-2008)
- Consultant and Unit Head, Department of Urology, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh (2008-present)
Rare/Unique Skills
- Renal cyst decortication
- NephrectomyAdrenalectomy
- Pylelithotomy
- Pyeloplasty
- Ureteroureterostomy
Fields of Expertise
- Major open surgeries
- Endourological procedures
- Laparoscopic surgeries
Key Procedures Performed
- More than 35 laparoscopic surgeries, including renal cyst decortication, nephrectomy, adrenalectomy, pyeloplasty, pyelolithotomy and ureteroureterostomy.
- Many reconstructive surgeries, including redo perineal end-to-end urethroplasty, ureterocalicostomy, pyeloplasty, ureteroureterostomy, ileal replacement of ureter, buccal mucosal graft for ureteral strictures, buccal urethroplasty, bladder augmentation.
- Pediatric surgeries like pyeloplasty, ureteric reimplantation, valve fulguration.
Uro- uro-gynaecological surgeries like WF repair, surgery for stress urinary incontinence and others. - Endourological procedures like URSL, TURP, PCNL, DVIU, SPCL, and Cystolitholapaxy.
- Uro-oncological open surgeries, radical nephrectomy, radical cystectomy, nephroureterectomy, adrenalectomy, radical penectomy and inguinal LN dissection.
Professional Memberships & Certifications
- South Zone Urology Society.
- Bangalore Urology Society